#1 Brian at 631-394-8819 or #2 Bonita 631-838-6448 these are the contact phone numbers for any of the cats.
Reilly - age 3 - orange and white. Devilish, sweet, independent and loveable. Rescued from streets in Patchogue where he was abandoned as a kitten.
Harry - age 10-11 - black tabby - just wants a warm place to sleep. affectionate and loveable. Rescued with Puss after he was abandoned and left starving.
Puss - age 9-10 - only female - grey and white. Sweet, affectionate, has been Harry's companion for many years. She and Harry were rescued by Pam after owners moved and left them abandoned and starving.
Lovey - age 11 - orange tabby - is LOVEABLE- a MUSH. [attached to Frankie] - rescued from PetCo as a kitten while he was still nursing a bottle.
Frankie [aka] Booba - age 6 - cross between Siamese and DSH - is very attached to Lovey. Sweet cat. Licks your legs when you get out of shower. Cleans other cats. Will let you hold him on his terms. Great buddies with Lovey