Sunday, May 19, 2013

hamilton IL 12 year old louie locked in crate in woods for days...needs foster rescue or home now

Hamilton, IL: I got a call from a women who said a girl she knew was keeping this poor dog in a crate in the woods.  Apparently, his original owner was going to put him down because he is 12 yrs old and was having accidents in the house.  So they gave Louie to this girl whose parents wouldn't let her have him so she decided to keep him in a crate in the woods where he stayed almost 5 days before another women heard about it and stepped in.  She had the girl call me and ask if I could please take him she knew keeping him like that wasn't right.  sigh….so goes the story of poor Louie.  I have him now, gave him a haircut, removed at least 50 ticks from him and he got a nice soaking warm bath.  Poor guy!  We had storms off and on all week long and there he sat locked in a crate outside in the middle of nowhere with no one around.  Heartbreaking!! He is thin but otherwise appears to be in ok health.  He desperately needs a loving family to see him gently thru the end of his days.  If you can help sponsor/adopt/rescue, please contact (Louie, 12 yr old male neutered lhasa apso)