Sunday, January 16, 2011

URGENT - Gorgeous Setter/Lab Mix Needs A Foster Home! (rescue org)
Date: 2011-01-14, 10:29PM ESTReply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
URGENT! Queenie needs a foster home!
We pulled her from the ACC euth list a few days ago but has developed kennel cough and the Dog Spa and Hotel wants her out until she recovers. Queenie is a 7 yr old Chocolate Lab who is sweet as sugar.
Queenie lived with her family for her whole life - 8 years - but recently they could no longer care for her, and dropped her off at the city shelter. Although she was clearly sad to be at the shelter, this sweet girl still sat obediently when asked, gave paw, and came over to staff when called. She's no longer in the city shelter - SFTH pulled her out right away - but she is waiting in a boarding facility for a foster or forever home to take her in.
If you can help this gentle, loving dog, please email toni at