CONTACT: PLEASE CALL ANIMAL CONTROL DIRECTLY AT 919-496-3032, press 0 to get a person
Beagle, Senior, Female, Stray (avail 7/25), 13-1577 /
Please Note** IF YOU SEE AN ANIMAL THAT YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT, PLEASE CALL ANIMAL CONTROL DIRECTLY AT 919-496-3032, press 0 to get a person. When calling about an animal, refer to the call number (13-xxxx) and impound number (x-x-xxxx) listed under the animal’s picture. This will get you the most accurate information when you call.
Animal Control will be able to provide you with any information faster than we can. This report is prepared by volunteers and we are not at the shelter every day to get up to the minute information on the status of each animal.
FCHS recommends that all animals adopted from the facility be evaluated by a veterinarian as soon as possible, quarantined for 10 days prior to exposure to other pets, vaccinated, and spayed/neutered. It is also a good idea to have a topical flea and tick treatment (such as Frontline Plus) ready for dogs and cats pulled from this facility.
PENNSYLVANIA RESCUES PLEASE NOTE! Our local Humane society, Franklin County Humane Society, has obtained a PA dealer’s license and is able to import dogs and cats into the state.
FEES: Current rescue and adoption fees (as of July 1, 2012) are $25 per animal which includes rabies vaccine for animals older than 4 months and may include other vaccines as well. Please inquire with animal control regarding other vaccines that have been given. Moms with young litters (cats and dogs) and litters without mom are $25 total. There is no longer a discount from these fees for rescues.
DISCLAIMER: No guarantees, expressed or implied, should be assumed from the descriptions of the animals in this report regarding breed, history, health, behavior, or any other factor. FCHS, it’s volunteers, Franklin County Animal Control, and it’s employees, will not be held liable for any representations made in this report. Adoption or rescue of any animal listed in this report is at the exclusive risk of the adopter or rescue, and, as such, you assume all liability associated with adoption or rescue. Animals at this facility have not been evaluated by a veterinarian or behaviorist.