My sister in law gave me some news that her friend has gone into a coma. He was severely ill and slipped into it 2 days ago. He is leaving behind a 13 year old female standard black poodle. She is still living in his home, which I believe she is being taken care of by my sister in laws nursing care company, but none the less she needs a home.
I am currently fostering and cannot take her in. I am going to ask around my parts but I wanted to reach out to see if you had any information or if your organization could take her. She is very sweet, healthy and good with other dogs. has some vision loss but other than this is a healthy dog.
"Senior Pets: All They Need Is Love" is a quarterly newsletter and blog published by Joan Antelman that is dedicated to finding permanent, loving homes for displaced older dogs and cats in New York City and the surrounding area. Senior pets make wonderful, loving companions — no matter what their age! Please visit the rescue groups and shelters mentioned to see all the great, devoted cats and dogs who will be grateful and happy to live out their remaining days with you.