Name: Princess Nickname: Poopers Breed: Lab/Shepard Color: Tan/ black Weight: 135 pounds Age : 7 years. Princess is very loving to one person, she is very people shy especially with men. She will require a few visits for you and her to make friends with each other, she does prefer women.... You will be her friend for life if she brings you a toy and you play tug of war with her. She is very loyal and protective, and owner perfers that she went to a home with no children as she has never been around them. She knows basic commands.. come, sit, shake, She is housetrained and she has never been in a crate. Princess is spayed and she is a house dog only. She has never been chained outside or left out for a long time. She sleeps indoors. email everydogsdreamwoerter@yahoo.com for more information.