Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Adopt Wally a really sweet male beagle - Louisville KY
This guy really needs a good home.!!
This is Wally. He is a 4-5 year old male beagle. He was rescued from a kill shelter Dec 23rd - he was brought
in as a stray. (When they first posted him out, they thought he was a senior beagle since he has had such a rough
life already.) He is in need of a forever family. Wally is neutered and is up to date on all his shots. When he first came to my home, he had a large tumor on his belly, scratches on his face and missing fur. His tumor has been removed and his coat is filled in and beautiful. Wally will need an experienced dog owner. Wally is a very sweet boy, but is shy and it takes him a while to warm up. He will need someone who will understand this and will give him plenty of time to warm up. Wally is sweet natured, very laid back and relaxed. He gets along great with all the other dogs in the home and does not bother the cat in the least. Wally is crate and mostly house trained. He still has marking issues, but very rarely does this anymore. I can't say enough good things about Wally! If you are looking for a sweet, easy going beagle, this is your guy! He would probably do best in a home without small children since he is scared easily by loud noises and sudden movements. If you have any questions or are interested in meeting Wally, please e-mail at An application and home visit are required - Louisville area - can travel within reasonable distance for a home visit. I just want the best home for Wally. He deserves to be a loved and cherished part of the family!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Adopt a dog who has lived in a shelter a long time! Buffalo, MO
MIDNIGHT is a Belgium Shepherd mix, who is about 6-8 years old. Midnight is a beautiful boy, who loves attention and to be petted. He has not been around cats and would do best with older kids. He has been at the sanctuary for quite a while and has not had any experience with kids for a long time. He loves everyone he meets though. He gets excited when you first arrive at the sanctuary but soon settles down. Midnight has good manners, listens well and will be easily trained. All he wants is a loving family and home to call his own!
Midnight is neutered, current on his routine shots and house trained. He also has his bags packed and is ready to move on!!
DOTTIE just happens to be one of my personal favorites as I spent quite a while playing fetch with her one day. She loves to have you bounce the ball so that she can try to catch it and chase it. She wore me out!!
Dottie is a Dalmatian mix and maybe has some Australian Cattle Dog in her. She is such a sweet girl and has been at the sanctuary for a LONG time. She is ready for that special loving family to come and take her home. She loves attention and LOVES playing with water also. She likes to go for walks and hang around people.
Dottie loves her toys and has a ball running around and acting silly in her yard! She does, however, need a 6’ privacy fence as she can climb over a 4’ fence. She does not run off though and just wants to be with whomever is working at the sanctuary. She craves human attention and contact. She is in desperate need of a home of her own.
If you are looking for a companion dog who is a smart, easy going gal that wants to please her new family, then Dottie is the girl for you!
Dottie is spayed, up to date on current shots and prefers a home without cats.
TEXAS is a hound/shepherd mix and is camera shy! She just did not want to have her picture taken. She really is a sweet and loving girl though and is estimated to be about 6 years old.
Texas is good with other dogs and loves to run around and play. Bless her heart, she has been at the sanctuary for too long and would love to have a home of her own. Having doggy buddies is nice, but having a human person or family to herself would be the greatest thing ever. She has a marvelous disposition and is so happy to see anyone and everyone. Due to her size, bigger kids are recommended. She is very well mannered but could easily knock over a small child. It’s been a long time since she got to play with any children. Texas is spayed and current on all of her routine shots. Please, help us find Texas a home.
BODIE is a Shepherd/Rottweiler mix and is 6-7 years old. He’s a big boy with an even bigger heart. He is well mannered, sweet and loving. He is always happy to see anyone and everyone.
Bodie has a bobbed tail, and we’re really not sure what he is a mixture of. All we know for sure is that he has tons of personality that will make his new family just fall in love with him. He LOVES human companionship. He likes to tuck his head under your arm, in your coat or just about anywhere when you are petting him. He wants to be as close as possible and is just a very sweet boy.
Bodie is neutered, up to date with his routine shots and house trained.
BENTLEY (according to his vet) is an All American Dog—in other words, he is an old fashioned, Heinz 57 mutt. Tell us his breed, and you can have him!! The vet thinks he is about 6 or 7 years old. He is good with other dogs, kids and people but has not been cat tested. He has been known to have some food aggression with some of the other dogs.
Bentley has had health problems for many years which were thought to be from his thyroid. He was recently checked by the vet who said that his thyroid levels are fine, his skin scrapings were free of parasites and suspects that he is allergic to his food, which is not always the best dog food to be found. That could be the cause of some of the food aggression. His diet has recently been changed, and it is hoped that he will soon begin to look better. He is currently overweight and has lost a lot of his hair. Nevertheless, he is deserving of a home with people of his own.
Bentley is neutered and up to date on all of his routine shots. Like all of the dogs at the sanctuary, he is also on flea and tick preventative.
BETTY is a spayed 6 yr. old Mountain Cur mix with a wonderfully sweet, gentle disposition. She loves attention and being a companion dog. She gets along with other dogs too. Betty has class. She listens and has good manners. All she needs now is a family of her own to give her lots of love. Medium in size, not a barker and an easy keeper. Betty was part of another rescue in a neighboring town. The woman got really sick and could not care for her animals and contacted All Creatures who agreed to take her dogs. Shortly thereafter, their foster mom passed away from a brain aneurysm.
Unfortunately, at about the time Betty came to the shelter, the shelter lost its volunteers because of their own personal reasons, moves, etc. This is a rural shelter, so it has been hard to adopt the dogs out here and to keep volunteers. Betty and the others have been waiting for years hoping for the opportunity for a new loving home. Betty is also spayed and current on all of her routine shots. Won’t you please help us to find the perfect home and family for these furry kids?
Contact for ALL these dogs is LORI at
Monday, March 26, 2012
Ellie, a Senior female pomeranian needs rescue urgent!! York PA
Ellie is a senior female Pomeranian and she was found as a stray. Ellie is estimated to be 7-10 years old and
she has a heart murmur and may need further work up on heart. After only four days at the shelter she has a
cough so additional diagnostic testing may be necessary. Ellie is a loving, sweet dog and she desperately
needs rescue assistance. If you are unable to assist her PLEASE crosspost this plea for help far and wide.
Ellie deserves another chance and her situation is urgent.
Thank you,
Lisa Belsinger
Rescue Coordinator
York County SPCA
Cee Cee a 16 year old cat in Philadelphia needs rescue or adopter now
Cee Cee (15598512) is quite a dashing fellow! He is SIXTEEN YEARS OLD! Whoa! He looks good for his age, yes?
He thinks so. This gentle, social boy loves affection and is quite the ham for attention! Cee Cee lived with
children of all ages, as well as dogs and cats, and apparently got along with everyone. Cee Cee was surrendered
to the shelter because he wasn't using his litter box. He appears to be in good health for his age and has been
using his box no problem here at the shelter! He likely just likes a clean litter box and chose not to use his
dirty one. Unfortunately, Cee Cee now has a kitty cold and has moved in isolation. An upper respiratory isn't
a huge deal and his new family will be sent home with antibiotics, but he can't get better while he's stuck
in the stressful shelter. Since the shelter is filling up with new cats, Cee Cee urgently needs a foster or
adoptive home where he can enjoy some sunshine and get the medical care he needs!
Email his volunteer at or stop by the shelter at 111 W. Hunting Park Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19140.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Buffy and Sabu need home together two bonded dogs in CA
Contact: Taryn - for more information on these two stunning best friends.
I am sending you this email with the hope of finding a home for these two dogs, Buffy and Sabu, who grew up together. When their owner went into a nursing home, Buffy and Sabu were left alone in their home for six months, with the neighbor feeding them. I helped a friend of mine find a home for them a year ago, with my cousin taking them both. Everyone was happy till now. My cousin informed us today that unfortunately she had to sell her home and can no longer keep Buffy and Sabu. We have until the end of this month to find them a home. I have met both dogs and they are just adorable and loving and so sweet. Just look at their cute faces!
Please, if you or anyone you know would enjoy adopting these two sweet dogs, please let me know, and I can call my friend. They need a happy home.
Friday, March 23, 2012
URGENT! 3 senior dogs and 2 older cats need home or rescue by April 1 - owners lost home - Manchester TN
Three senior dogs and two declawed cats (one is 14)losing home - owners must move home being forclosed by APRIL 1!
These animals have no place to go. If you can rescue them or adopt, PLEASE CONTACT Phyllis at immediately.
THIS is EDDIE, a beagle Mix who is 11 and fixed.
THIS IS COCOA, also a senior, she is a beagle/basset mix spayed.
THIS IS RJ a cute 7 year old male terrier fixed.
All the animals get along with cats, dogs and were ALL raised around kids.. They are all Very sweet.. Eddie is the beagle mix. He's approx 11 yrs old he still loves to run and play.. Cocoa is the larger one she's basset mix. She enjoys just laying in the sun. She was raised on a farm with all kinds of animals . The smaller terrier looking dog is Rj- he's approximately 8 yrs old.. Very sweet boy..He looks like terrier mix to me.. The darker color cat is Axle - about 7 yrs old rescued from a parking lot as a baby and Sadie is the orange at 14 yrs old. If you can rescue OR ADOPT any of them PLEASE do NOT wait - contact
All the animals get along with cats, dogs and were ALL raised around kids.. They are all Very sweet.. Eddie is the beagle mix. He's approx 11 yrs old he still loves to run and play.. Cocoa is the larger one she's basset mix. She enjoys just laying in the sun. She was raised on a farm with all kinds of animals . The smaller terrier looking dog is Rj- he's approximately 8 yrs old.. Very sweet boy..He looks like terrier mix to me.. The darker color cat is Axle - about 7 yrs old rescued from a parking lot as a baby and Sadie is the orange at 14 yrs old. If you can rescue OR ADOPT any of them PLEASE do NOT wait - contact
Thursday, March 22, 2012
KITKIT a great black male cat desperately needs a new home! Phillipburg NJ
Watch my youtube video! ""
Kitkit is fully vetted, tested NEG for both FeLV and FIV, vaccinated, ears cleaned, advantaged, micro chipped, neutered. He is approximate 2-5 years old black cat and is the sweetest and most gentle little boy you will ever meet. His tail is crooked but does not hurt him as the vet said it's most likely an old injury or birth defect. His little feet make tons of muffins. He purrs so loudly too..He LOVES his cat nip and his cat nip carrot. He hasn't played much but we are working on that. He would rather be petted and loved than anything anything else and even adores belly rubs. He is VERY good with other cats. Kit Kit is VERY submissive and sensitive and would need someone to give him the love and affection he truly deserves and needs. He needs someone understanding and patient with him considering he was abandoned and left for dead. He is learning that all people aren't bad. If you can open your heart and home to him he will surely be the happiest little boy ever!! An Adoption application is required to ensure kit kit's safety plus an INDOOR home ONLY is required! CONTACT MONICA AT ENLIGHTENED34@AOL.COM Monica Sinforosa
Kitkit is fully vetted, tested NEG for both FeLV and FIV, vaccinated, ears cleaned, advantaged, micro chipped, neutered. He is approximate 2-5 years old black cat and is the sweetest and most gentle little boy you will ever meet. His tail is crooked but does not hurt him as the vet said it's most likely an old injury or birth defect. His little feet make tons of muffins. He purrs so loudly too..He LOVES his cat nip and his cat nip carrot. He hasn't played much but we are working on that. He would rather be petted and loved than anything anything else and even adores belly rubs. He is VERY good with other cats. Kit Kit is VERY submissive and sensitive and would need someone to give him the love and affection he truly deserves and needs. He needs someone understanding and patient with him considering he was abandoned and left for dead. He is learning that all people aren't bad. If you can open your heart and home to him he will surely be the happiest little boy ever!! An Adoption application is required to ensure kit kit's safety plus an INDOOR home ONLY is required! CONTACT MONICA AT ENLIGHTENED34@AOL.COM Monica Sinforosa
URGENT! Rover and Lady, Two bonded seniors need rescue placement!
Know anyone who might be interested in fostering (or adopting) a couple of bonded seniors who have been together
for 11 years? I can’t let them get put to sleep – their owner died and her son dumped them at a very high kill shelter……. Both spayed/neutered, will be brought current on shots and deworming – I’m pulling them this weekend,
but desperately need help with placement…..If you can help Rover and Lady, please contact JOY at these dogs are 11 and have been together since puppies. they are in Raleigh, NC
Adopt Diesel, beautiful 7 year old Bull Mastiff
My name is Diesel and I’m an adorable Bull Mastiff. My family left me after they moved and they could not take
me with them. Now, I’m on the search for a new furever home and a family to love and be loved by.
7 years young
Up to date with shots
Not neutered (cannot be due to heart murmur)
Good with cats and female dogs but prefers be the only male dog in the home
For more information about me please contact
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Adopt Sally, chained for 7 years now seeks her first home in Owingville, KY
My name is Sally, and I have spent 7 years at the end of a chain. The chain was about 4 feet long. On Sunday, I came to Owingsville, KY and for the first time, I did not have a chain or a heavy collar on. Dad cut my collar off and Mom threw it in the trash, it had so much dirt on it, and it smelled. I smelled too, so Mom gave me my very first bath on Monday. It felt good! On Tuesday, I went to the doctor and I heard Mom say that I would never have babies again. I have had a lot of babies. Most of them died because other dogs would come and kill them and I had no way to protect them while I was on that chain. I then heard Mom say that I have worms in my heart, so I had to stay at the doctors last night and today I am getting a shot to kill the worms. I heard Mom say that I have to stay one more night, get one more shot, and the worms will be gone.
The doctor also cleaned my teeth, that felt so good, my teeth were so brown but now they look better and feel better. Mom says that when I feel better and my stitches come out, I will go and get a good bath and a hair cut at some place called a "groomers".
I will be ready to finally live a good life, that is what Mom promises. I do like children, and I am learning to like other dogs. I just don't know how to act yet but Mom says that I am doing very well. I like my new life and I need a home, so please, if you have any room for me, I promise that I will be good and try to act like a normal, happy dog forever. email for adoption information.
ADOPTED!!!!! Bear, owner passed away, black lab mix in Stroudsberg PA
My name is Bear, and I'm a black Labrador mix. I'm looking for a forever home as my former owner passed away in November. I became very sad when my best friend passed away and can’t wait to find someone special to be new best friends with. I've been staying with a family member but they can't keep me.
• Up to date with all shots and physical exams
• 6-7yrs. old
• 90-100lbs but I could afford to lose some weight
• Housetrained!
• Very well behaved, good on a leash and very devoted
• Loves other dogs, traveling, snuggling, the outdoors, men, women and especially children!
Serious inquiries please contact Kate at
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Foster or Adopt Lindy, a female dog left to die in a crate in PA
To say Lindy was treated mistreated is an absolute understatement. She was left behind in a cabin at a campground; left inside a crate no less. No one knew she was there until the campground owner heard wimpering when he was doing a routine check of the grounds. He found Lindy curled up inside the crate. She could barely stand from being dehydrated and malnourished. There is no question she was left to die. That was in mid February. She has been in foster care for one month, and now the foster has a parent who has become ill. She cannot keep Lindy after March 31.
Currently Lindy is gaining back her strength and really needs a good home asap. She is no trouble at all. Given her very bad condition it was impossible at first to guess at her age. We now think she might be around 10-12. She weighs about 30 lbs. and is UTD on shots. We are not sure of her breed (possibly whippet mix). She gets along fine with other dogs and just needs a place to rest her pretty head. Can anyone out there help this sweet girl? If someone is willing to foster, PAWS will cover all costs. Please contact
Foster/Adopt Clyde, beautiful senior male beagle near Pittsburgh PA
Click here to go to Clyde's Petfinder site. for more information! There is a WONDERFUL little senior beagle named clyde who was pulled by a local rescue who needs a foster or forever home. Clyde was found chained in filth and dirt with his sister, who sadly had to be euthanized. Please help this senior boy find the loving home he so much deserves! Clyde is currently in boarding/doggie camp but would love a family to spend his days and nights with. Clyde LOVES other dogs. He is such a gentle, loving dog!! An absolute sweetheart. He is neutered, UTD on shots, and healthy now (had a skin infection). Transport help is available. Please contact Lynn for more information as she has spent time with sweet Clyde email:
Monday, March 19, 2012
Three senior dogs need homes - Burlington County Animal Shelter Mt Holly NJ
Lady Bird has arrived......this quiet lady is about 12 years old, weighs 38 pounds and is a Shepherd mix. She came in as a stray and is hoping to go back home and I truly hope no one "just let her out" because they thought she was too old! Lady Bird is a bit shy and doesn't quite know why she is here, so a little scared too. She seems loving and enjoys a slow walk. Please come visit and reclaim this girl or give this lovely mature lady a new loving home.
This is Elsa. It is so sad to see the lost and confused expression of the older dogs who wind up in the chaos of a noisy shelter. Poor Elsa is a senior, very overweight (98 lbs) boxer mix that was found as a stray. We hope her people find her soon. She is friendly and calm, and enjoyed getting outside today. Elsa will need someone willing to give her quiet walks to take off some of that weight, which will make her more comfortable and improve her quality of life. If you have a place in your heart and home for an older gal to spend her golden years, please come and take a look at Elsa. She still has love to give and certainly does not deserve to be in a shelter.
This handsome guy is Duce, a 9 yr old rottweiler. He weighs 92.6 lbs. This poor guy was surrendered by his family. Duce is house trained and leash trained. He is very smart and knows sit, down and paw. He is good with adults and children. Duce is used to being around other dogs. He loves going outside and playing fetch. He is a very friendly dog who just needs a loving home.
Please contact John Richardson if you would like to rescue or adopt any of these 3 seniors! you can email
him at
Adopt Jackson, 10 yr old male declawed cat on long island
Jackson is an affectionate, friendly, declawed 10 year old black/brown tiger tabby cat that was abandoned. Jackson has been living on the streets of Long Island, NY for at least a year, maybe longer. he loves to be held, petted, brushed, and have belly rubs. Head butts for more affection. Eats well (dry and wet) and NO litter box issues. Gets along fine with other cats.! As it turns out, Jackson is a very healthy (FIV/FeLV negative, free of fleas and mites, has had de-worming meds.) Jackson is having dental surgery on 3/22. Some teeth will be pulled and the rest cleaned. He will get 10 days of antibiotics. After that, Jackson will be as good as new! Because Jackson was outside for at least a year (and maybe longer), he must be placed in a home that is secure and with someone who will not let him outside. He is still transitioning from outdoor to indoor and requires someone willing to work with Jackson to "re-train" him. He is very vocal about wanting to go outside. meow! He has been through a lot! He needs a new foster or home in early April. Transport can be arranged, but would prefer NY, CT, NJ, PA so that a house check can be done by me when kitty is dropped off. However, all good offers will be considered! please email Patty at if you can help him.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Adopt Two bonded female dogs, Lady and Pixie- Brooklyn NY
Meet Lady – 8 yr SPAYED Lab mix – 67lbs – and her companion dog Pixie – 4 yr SPAYED mutt mix- 33lbs. These 2 ladies are the perfect dogs. They are beyond sweet and VERY bonded. We are trying to keep them together as much as possible. Their owner is very sick and unable to walk them at all. Pixie is as cute as a button and Lady is a gem. Lady looks BIG in her pictures but it is the opposite. She is a very short dog as her height is below my knee. Her only problem is that she is overweight and without a doubt, needs a diet. PLEASE consider these girls!! As per family members, they have been around other dogs and children but NO cat experience. They are both housebroken and are the perfect pooches. No food aggression in the shelter seen. Please email Sean Casey Animal Rescue at to meet them!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Rescue or ADOPT Wendy, beautiful female hound with special needs
Meet WENDY. This 8 year old female hound is just SUCH a sweet dog. She has been with the shelter for a year. Wendy has been alone, with me walking twice a day. She has met two Austrailian Shepherds while walking and showed NO agression at all. During our walk we pass beagles, coon hounds, and shepherd mixes.......NO problems at all. My little beagle has been walking with me and her, and she only wants to play! She has not been living IN a home, unfortunately., BUT since she is the only one in the fenced yard, she can come and go into her kennel as she wants. She NEVER pees or poos in the kennel, always the yard. Three weeks ago she was diagnosed with diabetes and needs insulin injections twice a day. We checked her blood after the first week and it was actually higher, so we increased the insulin and will check her again this week to see if it's leveled out. I have noticed her water intake is down a little, but she still drinks a lot of water. I know if she were indoors she would hold it as long as possible, but a doggie door would be ideal. This past week, she went to our local Tractor Supply store for Adopt-A-Pet. She was a big hit with everyone. She loves kids and especially older men. She rides wonderful in the car. LOVES it. Jumps right in with no issues. She loves her toys, she takes them with us when we go for walks and will lay them down, til we come back past and pick them up again. :-) If you are interested in rescuing OR adopting Wendy please email Pam at
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Spring 2012 (Volume 7: Issue 1)
In This Issue:
Cover Pets: Bart, Flops, Champ, Patch, Norie
Rescue Profile: Nittany Beagle Rescue
Featured Senior Pets: Jake, Sir Cat, Duke
Success Story: From "Stupid" to "Stewie" to ADOPTED!
Senior Dogs and Cats for Adoption
Boogie's Tales
Go Fetch! By Bodie
View newsletter (PDF)...
Cover Pets: Bart, Flops, Champ, Patch, Norie
Rescue Profile: Nittany Beagle Rescue
Featured Senior Pets: Jake, Sir Cat, Duke
Success Story: From "Stupid" to "Stewie" to ADOPTED!
Senior Dogs and Cats for Adoption
Boogie's Tales
Go Fetch! By Bodie
View newsletter (PDF)...
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Shadow a blind cat left in a carrier in street needs rescue!!! NJ
Transport is available to NJ, PA, NY or DE.
This is Shadow. We are pretty sure this cat is blind or has limited sight. He was abandoned in a cat carrier and left in the street. who would do something like this?????
He ended up in the pound so I’m looking for a rescue group to take him.
He needs a permanent home with someone who understands the special needs of a blind cat.
Please email Elizabeth at if you can help this cat get a new start in life.
This is Shadow. We are pretty sure this cat is blind or has limited sight. He was abandoned in a cat carrier and left in the street. who would do something like this?????
He ended up in the pound so I’m looking for a rescue group to take him.
He needs a permanent home with someone who understands the special needs of a blind cat.
Please email Elizabeth at if you can help this cat get a new start in life.
Rescue needed or adopter for Beetie, 8 yr old female Jack Russell terrier special needs in TN is the email contact!
Beetie is an 8 year old female Jack Russell Terrier picked up as a stray.
Beetie is very special needs and because of this she will be put down if
I can't find a rescue for her ASAP. I have permission form
the shelter to locate a rescue for Beetie, I am determined not to let
this wonderful girl be put down. Beetie was just a bag of bones when
I picked her up from the vet office. She is mostly blind due to
having diabetes. She can see shadows, but that is it. Her diabetes
is regulated, and she can live her full life span with 2 insulin shots
per day (1.5 units). The shots are very easy to give, they are so
tiny, and I give them while she is eating and she never even notices.
Beetie is a couch potato, she would like to live somewhere where she
is the only dog in the house. Beetie is crate trained and spayed.
She attaches very easily to every person she meets! She follows me
around (she might run in to the couch, but she has learned her way
around the house easily!) She is a very quiet dog who just wants to
sleep and be lazy on the couch all day long. She loves to be walked
outside to do her business. This absolutely wonderful girl deserves
for the second half of her life to be a happy one!!
I really need to get her somewhere asap, the shelter threats to put
her down because she is deemed "not adoptable", but she is adoptable!!
How can a sweet girl who just wants to be a couch potato and follow
you around not adoptable?! The reason the shelter sees her this way
is because of her diabetes with the fact that she does not like other
I think a good home for her would be one where she is the only inside
dog and no small children (simply because she is too old to be rough
housed with).
Can you please help me? Please let me know then I can make the necessary arrangements to get a copy
of your 501C3 and a vet reference.
Beetie is an 8 year old female Jack Russell Terrier picked up as a stray.
Beetie is very special needs and because of this she will be put down if
I can't find a rescue for her ASAP. I have permission form
the shelter to locate a rescue for Beetie, I am determined not to let
this wonderful girl be put down. Beetie was just a bag of bones when
I picked her up from the vet office. She is mostly blind due to
having diabetes. She can see shadows, but that is it. Her diabetes
is regulated, and she can live her full life span with 2 insulin shots
per day (1.5 units). The shots are very easy to give, they are so
tiny, and I give them while she is eating and she never even notices.
Beetie is a couch potato, she would like to live somewhere where she
is the only dog in the house. Beetie is crate trained and spayed.
She attaches very easily to every person she meets! She follows me
around (she might run in to the couch, but she has learned her way
around the house easily!) She is a very quiet dog who just wants to
sleep and be lazy on the couch all day long. She loves to be walked
outside to do her business. This absolutely wonderful girl deserves
for the second half of her life to be a happy one!!
I really need to get her somewhere asap, the shelter threats to put
her down because she is deemed "not adoptable", but she is adoptable!!
How can a sweet girl who just wants to be a couch potato and follow
you around not adoptable?! The reason the shelter sees her this way
is because of her diabetes with the fact that she does not like other
I think a good home for her would be one where she is the only inside
dog and no small children (simply because she is too old to be rough
housed with).
Can you please help me? Please let me know then I can make the necessary arrangements to get a copy
of your 501C3 and a vet reference.

Victim of Severe Abuse, male rottie needs help! PA
This is Sparrow, whom I have sent before, he came to the shelter this way. Looks like an abuse case, his head is caved in on the one side, and as you can see he
is missing an eye. He had two holds on him, but the one didn't work out, because
when they brought their dog to meet him, the dog approached him from his blind
side, and I guess he snapped at it. He would probably be best as an only pet
because of this. Who can blame him for being nervous being approached from that
side, God only knows what happened to him. I have had him out, he appears to be
full rotty, he is big, and strong, but walks fairly well on a leash. I don't
think he cares much for other dogs. I think he just has problems only seeing
from the one side. He would be a great only pet for someone. He certainly needs
the love. He likes his biscuits. Hope someone out there falls in love with him,
despite his appearance. He is at the Griffin Pond Shelter. I think he is fairly
young. Thanks for all the help. Martin
More info can be obtained from the Griffin Pond Animal Shelter.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Adopt Sandy and Sassy two female cocker spaniels need urgent foster!
Sandy and Sassy were rescued from a Staten Island Animal Shelter in December of 2011.
Their owner died and the wonderful family through them there knowing it was a kill shelter.
We had 24-48 hours to get them out and they are now in foster. The girls are 10 years old, spayed, up to date with shots, no health issues and need a home of their own. Sandy is not adjusting well to the foster's other dogs and she would do better either alone or just with Sassy. Sandy wants attention and Sassy is very meek and shy at first but warms up soon enough. They are still in good health and love to go for walks. Is there anyone who can give them a forever home?
email Vicky
Sandy and Sassy were rescued from a Staten Island Animal Shelter in December of 2011.
Their owner died and the wonderful family through them there knowing it was a kill shelter.
We had 24-48 hours to get them out and they are now in foster. The girls are 10 years old, spayed, up to date with shots, no health issues and need a home of their own. Sandy is not adjusting well to the foster's other dogs and she would do better either alone or just with Sassy. Sandy wants attention and Sassy is very meek and shy at first but warms up soon enough. They are still in good health and love to go for walks. Is there anyone who can give them a forever home?
email Vicky

Saturday, March 10, 2012
Foster Rescue or ADOPT Penny 12 year old female yellow lab in PA

Thursday, March 8, 2012
Robert needs a home, disabled dog in Middletown NY
Paraplegic Dog Needs Help For a Second Chance!
Surrendered to the shelter as a stray on February 26th, 4 year old Robert had a ruptured disc, could not walk on his own and was in constant pain. With lacerations on his head and legs, it was presumed that he was hit by a car. In the shelter Robert waited four days, with no treatment. On February 29th, he was scheduled for euthanasia, and Pets Alive, an internationally recognized no kill organization, rescued him. Now he is recovering from the surgery that might help him walk again.
Contact: Marcy Rydd, Pets Alive if you can foster robert!
Surrendered to the shelter as a stray on February 26th, 4 year old Robert had a ruptured disc, could not walk on his own and was in constant pain. With lacerations on his head and legs, it was presumed that he was hit by a car. In the shelter Robert waited four days, with no treatment. On February 29th, he was scheduled for euthanasia, and Pets Alive, an internationally recognized no kill organization, rescued him. Now he is recovering from the surgery that might help him walk again.
Contact: Marcy Rydd, Pets Alive if you can foster robert!
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